Soythane Helps Roofing Contractor Save 30 Year-Old SPF Foam Roof in Utah
August, 2008 - Utah - SoyThane, a spray in place urethane foam insulation has long been considered just wall insulation foam. The introduction of SoyThane III has changed this.
SoyThane III is a (3) Three pound spray polyurethane foam used for both Urethane Foam Roofing and Urethane Foam Roof Repairs.
Shindler Roofing, owner Andy Schindler recently displayed the versatility of SprayMax Industrial Coatings Inc’s Soythane and MaxLiner Polyurea on a unique condominium roof in Utah.
Schindler Roofing was faced with repairs on a 10 Story High Rise Condominium. The present Urethane Foam Roof was 30 years old. Over the 30 year span some minor defects had occurred under the AC units. Concrete slabs to the penthouse were also in need of a waterproof membrane. The problem was access to the roof was hard and to elevate heavy high pressure equipment nearly impossible.
Soythane III Roofing Foam and MaxLiner Polyurea Repair Condo Roof
Andy Schindler had purchased a FastKick Gun by SprayMax Industrial Coatings Inc a year previous and contacted SprayMax to see if it was feasible to use on this job.
After reviewing the job, SprayMax informed Andy that the FastKick Gun, SoyThane III and Polyurea were the perfect answer.
The FastKick Gun sprays Multi Component materials by SprayMax with the simple use of an Air Compressor, no electricity is needed. This unique Spray Gun proportioner works by a small air motor simply pushing both the A side and B side factory prefilled cartridges through a static mixer that Air atomizes the instant cure materials.
On the roof side, Schindler cut out the bad foam areas inserted the SoyThane 3 Lb foam roofing cartridge and sprayed new expanding foam. Afterwards, the empty cartridges can simply be thrown away as they are VOC free, claims Soythane.
Soythane III and SprayMax's FastKick Gun make the Perfect Roof Repair
Next, after preparing the concrete decks, Schindler simply changed cartridges to the MaxLiner Polyurea instant set membrane in Desert sand color. It was like applying a rubberized Bed liner to the concrete deck Andy said.
Tom Hay, COO of SprayMax Industrial Coatings Inc was quoted as saying “This type application shows the beauty and ease of application for our system. No mess, easy to get to even the hardest areas and the ability to change materials with no clean up or down time. A novice can become an expert at spraying multi component instant set materials as long as they know proper preparation of substrates.
To learn more of this remarkable system visit or call Tom Hay at 1-877-772-9629.