Huntsman Building Solutions does coast-to-coast Canadian roadshow with Heatlok® Soya HFO, spray foam insulation
Read MoreAs co-host of Fast N’ Loud, Richard Rawlings searches Texas and the surrounding states for forgotten and derelict classic cars to purchase and restore at his famous Gas Monkey Garage in Dallas.
Read MoreBuilding industry event expected to draw more than 1,200 attendees active in the spray polyurethane foam industry.
Read MoreIn a recent article on Spray Foam Magazine, SES highlights that knowing business metrics equals success.
Read MoreWhen it comes to disseminating guidelines for the chemical processing of their products, manufacturers use a few different avenues: affixing processing parameters on chemical drums, providing technical data sheets that describe the correct processing of the material, and educating contractors in person during training sessions.
Read MoreThe study confirms 5½ pounds of carbon dioxide equivalents are removed or prevented from entering the atmosphere for every pound of soy-based polyol that replaces a pound of petroleum-based polyol in a product.
Read MoreIndian Creek Nature Center staff found that the soy biobased spray foam insulation meets FEMA/National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) regulations and it is a superior insulation in every way.
Read MoreHEATLOK SOY® 200 manufactured by DEMILEC (USA) LLC, received an evaluation report (ESR#3210) from ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES), providing evidence that the closed cell spray foam insulation meets code requirements.
Read MoreSpecific considerations are required to bid correctly for the coveted job.
Read MoreSES stresses that collecting and analyzing data is key for the success of a spray foam business.
Read MoreThis work took three months with one full rig on the job at all times utilizing three sprayers as well as additional rigs sometimes being brought to the job site.
Read MoreHEATLOK SOY 200, the second product in the HEATLOK SOY closed-cell foam insulation product line, has passed the NFPA 286 assembly in accordance with the AC 377, Appendix X using 7 ½” of HEATLOK SOY 200 in walls and 11 ½” in the ceiling.
Read MoreSoythane Technologies, based in Yulee, FL, has always maintained “green” business operations, producing its urethane foam from Aliphatic Amines and “regrowable” energy. Their newest offering, foam that can be utilized to clean up oil spills...
Read MoreUrethane Soy Systems works with soy farmers and soybean oil specialists as well as urethane oriented chemists to develop and manufacture soy based polyols. These polyols are then utilized to create new soy-based foam systems.
Read MoreTPR2, a Connecticut ‘high tech’ fire solutions company, now has specific approval reports for all foam types: open cell, closed cell, soy based open cell and soy based closed cell.
Read MoreWith one ecological insulation material Polarfoam PF-7300-0 Soya you get the 3 essential properties for a high efficiency-building envelope in a single application. Consequently, you reduce the cost of the project as well as its energy consumption.
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