TarHeel Roofing Inc. Completes Hurricane Resistant Roofs on GSA buildings
TAMPA, FL–July 31, 2012–“Phil, why not use spray foam for roofs that won’t blow off during hurricanes?” asked Robert Pope, senior account manager of TarHeel Roofing Inc. This simple question directed at Phil Procacci, owner of Procacci Development, would initiate the start of a long relationship between TarHeel and Procacci.
“Procacci Development had the idea to build hurricane resistant office buildings in South Florida,” said Pope. “Naturally, this got the attention of the U.S government; including Homeland Security, and GSA.”
It was Pope who convinced Procacci that the soon to be “Hurricane-proof” office buildings would not be complete without spray foam roofs. “We were at a trade show and Phil Pracacci walked by our booth,” said Pope. “That’s when I asked him to check out spray foam.”
“We did one job with Procacci, and he fell in love with spray foam,” said Pope. “Since then we have done five jobs for Procacci Development, the most recent being a General Service Administration building (GSA).”
The GSA project consisted of two buildings totaling 154,000 square feet of roof space. The two buildings, Hoover Retail, and USCIS Tampa GSA, were covered with 2.8 lb. closed cell spray foam from BaySystems LLC. TarHeel sprayed a total of 86 sets of spray foam, and 1,623 gallons of coating on the two roofs. The job was completed in Tampa Florida in January 2012, and it took three crews just over four months to complete the project.
“BaySystems calls it the ‘unlimited wind warrantee’ since the roofs are designed to withstand category-five hurricanes,” said Pope.
Like most jobs, TarHeel encountered its fair share of challenges. At the very beginning, TarHeel had to out shine competitors for the job.
“I had to put my sales hat on,” said Pope. “There were a few “mom and pop” contractors that were gunning for the job, but I was able to convince Procacci to work with TarHeel.” According to Pope, it was credibility, experience, and professionalism that set them apart from the competition.
“Spray foam is construction, and in construction people cut corners,” said Pope. “Our company does the job right; we bring professionalism to the roofing industry.”
Competition wasn’t the only challenge. According to Pope, the company received an email from Procacci shortly after the job was completed regarding a problem with static electricity. “What would happen was, when the AC repair people would walk on the roof they would build up a static charge, then when they would touch the control panel, the static electricity would discharge causing the panel to short,” said Pope. “The weird thing was, it was only happening on one of the roofs. The fact that there wasn’t a problem on both roofs was strange.” Pope said that he advised the AC repairpersons to wear rubber gloves to keep the electricity from discharging on the control panels. “They went with the rubber glove solution, and we haven’t heard anything since.”
According to Pope, static electricity build up is common on spray foam roofs due to the silicone in the foam coating. Therefore, although an important issue, Pope was not surprised when Procacci came forward with the problem.
The Hoover Retail and USCIS Tampa GSA buildings are now hurricane resistant, R-30 insulated buildings that will maintain power and communication through a category 2 hurricane. All as a result of combined efforts from Procacci Development and TarHeel Roofing LLC.
About TarHeel Roofing Inc.: TarHeel Roofing installs commercial roofing in the Southeastern United States and the Caribbean. We specialize in large, complex projects including industrial, commercial, hospitality, institutional, public, multi-family, and complex projects, as well as multi-location portfolios. TarHeel Roofing is proud to have served on the Board of Directors of both the National Roofing Contractors Association and the Florida Roofing and Sheet Metal Association. As a recipient of the National Roofing Contractor of the Year Award, our tradition of excellence utilizes the latest industry innovations and technology.
About Procacci Development: Procacci Development Corporation is a full-service development, construction and management company with extensive knowledge and experience in commercial office space. Our Company has a defined mission, which concentrates on achieving a superior experience for our tenants. We are dedicated to providing real estate solutions that will have a positive impact on our clients' operations by delivering quality results that exceed the highest industry standards. Since 1976, we have been creating innovative projects, building quality properties and managing for long-term success. By concentrating on responsiveness, flexibility, persistence, and accountability, the Procacci Team has built a solid track record of sustaining tenant satisfaction.
For more information about TarHeel Roofing Inc., or Procacci Development, please see the contact information below.