SprayMax Industrial Coatings Inc Makes Chemical Breakthrough In the Use Of Soy In Spray Urethane Foam
January 18, 2009 - SprayMax Industrial Coatings Inc. of Jacksonville Florida announced today a breakthrough in chemical technology named SoyThane90. The 90 stands for 90% Soy in the “B” side of all Soythane90 Spray Urethane Foam.
Tom Hay, COO and founder of SprayMax had this to say. “The idea of Spray Urethane Foam to save energy is far from a new idea. The idea of replacing some of the petroleum in the B Side with regrowable energy is also far from a new idea. The use of 90% Soy is but a chemical breakthrough making SprayMax the leader in the use of regrowable energy to save energy.
During the 1970’s I witnessed an Oil shortage. This led to higher fuel costs. I would read in the Newspaper or see on TV where someone had developed a form of alternative energy only to be the last time I would read or see this. In the past year we saw oil go up close to $150.00 a barrel. Due to the power of the internet I watched many resources of regrowable energy come back to life but this time, they were not going away.
Prices have found lows in fuel costs not seen in years. We have a choice. Through alternative energy and saving energy we can stabilize these low fuel prices or we can get lazy and let prices escalate again by not taking advantage of what Mother Nature allows us to grow ourselves. Dinosaurs are dead; let us let them lie in peace.
How many times in your lifetime have you heard an argument about changing the thermostat up or down but two degrees to save money?
An attic area is the perfect place to show where the two degrees is but a tiny fraction of what we should look at. In the summer roof temperatures can reach hundreds of degrees. This heat transfers to the attic giving let us say 190 degrees to fight and pay for.
With the use of Spray Urethane Foam and cutting off the vents this can be dropped to 85 degrees or even ambient temperature, it is called creating an envelope. Stopping over 100 degrees is a far cry from changing a thermostat 2 degrees. (The reverse can be used for winter months).
Each ounce of regrowable energy used becomes an ounce we do not need to obtain from Third World Countries, this makes Spray Urethane Foam part of the answer. To use products that contain the most amount of regrowable energy becomes the true answer.
SoyThane90 has become such an answer. SprayMax Industrial Coatings Inc is very proud to accomplish an insulation to meet present day needs but we are not done there. By the year 2010 SprayMax plans to incorporate this Chemical break through into all of its products including but not limited to Polyurea for spray bed liners”
For further information on how SoyThane and Regrowable Energy can help you visit http://www.soythane.com/ or call Toll Free (877) 772-9629.