Spray Foam Magazine Highlights Performance, Excellence
JUPITER, FL–September 4, 2015–Another issue of Spray Foam Magazine has been published. The digital version of the September/October 2015 edition is now available online and through the Spray Foam Magazine App, which is available for free on Apple, Android, and Amazon Kindle Fire devices. The print version of SFM’s latest issue is slated for a mid-month mailing. The September/October 2015 issue highlights a wide variety of high-performance spray foam applications.
“We wanted to capture just how innovative spray foam is with these applications,” said Editor-in-Chief Ryan Spencer. “Roofing systems, commercial air barriers, and residential insulation–they’re all enhanced with the utilization of spray foam.”
Highlights from the September/October 2015 Issue
Justifying the cost of SPF roofing systems
The advantages of Appendix X approved SPF
Mass wall insulation: spray foam’s superiority
3 key qualities to look for in a chemical supplier
Polyurea-coated SPF roof covers freezer facility
4 factors affecting proportioner performance
Floating office insulated with spray foam
Key concepts for keeping your equipment going
Patching up a treatment tank with polyurea
Authority marketing: leverage your expertise
Executive Outlook: Mitch Clifton
Click Above to Read the Latest Issue of SFM
Coming Next Issue: Spray Foam Magazine Canada
The final SFM issue of 2015 will be a major special addition, with the launch of Spray Foam Magazine Canada. Considered a publication unto itself, SFM Canada highlights the issues and applications relevant to this major spray foam market. SFM Canada is being produced through partnerships with Canadian certification organizations and suppliers. SFM Canada will be part of a double issue in SFM’s November/December 2015 edition, taking over the back cover.
"We think this is a great opportunity to reach out and speak directly to the second largest segment of our audience," said Spencer. "The Canadian market has so much content to offer, this move just makes sense."
RELATED Spray Foam Magazine Increases Print Circulation Over 500%, Mobile Growth for Spray Foam Magazine, SprayFoam.com
About Spray Foam Magazine: Spray Foam Insulation & Roofing Magazine is targeted to a global audience of building construction professionals and energy-conscious readers. It is distributed bi-monthly to applicators, manufacturers, distributors, specifiers, general contractors, architects, engineers, and managers in both the public and private sectors. For more information, or free instant access, please use the links provided below.