R stands for Roofing, Waterproofing, and Exterior Walls

SPRING ISSUE 2019 – Past president of RCI, Inc., Michael E. Clark, often wore his RCI President pin while traveling on business and would be asked if he was the president of that vacation timeshare company. He would politely tell them, “No,” and then would go into his three to four minute pitch that basically said what you can read on the rci.online.org website—that RCI, Inc. is an association of professionals specializing in roofing, waterproofing, and exterior wall specification, and design. After an uncomfortable blank stare from the unsuspecting vacationer, they would ask, “Well then, what does the R stand for. He’d say, “R stands for ‘Roofing, Waterproofing, and Exterior Walls’.”
After saying that more times than he could stand, he, along with many others on the RCI, Inc. board, and possibly with many heated discussions, decided to change the name to something much less confusing.
On Saturday, March 16th at the RCI, Inc. Opening Ceremony of their International Convention and Trade Show, with an emotional video montage including pictures of past presidents and founders of this 36-year-old association, RCI, Inc. announced their new name will be the International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants or IIBEC. In a sly effort to hold on to a smidge of confusion, it will be pronounced EYE-beck. Michael E. Clark said that one of the I’s is silent and each individual gets to decide which one.
After the other general announcements and an explosive keynote by Mr. Myth Buster, Jamie Hyneman, the enthused crowd rushed out into the hallways lined with the new logo (such a pro-move by the RCI, Inc. staff) that uses the first I to create five sides of a hexagon surrounding a cube representing a building with six sides. Next to it are the bold letters IBEC in blue with the full name spelled out in smaller font underneath. The new logo is a massive change that makes the RCI logo look a bit dated.
Laboring and confusing conversations at the airport weren’t the only reason they changed the name to IIBEC. A lot has changed in the industry since RCI began in 1983 when it was the Roofing Consultant Institute. Since then, waterproofing, walls, floors, air barriers, and basically all six sides of the building have become increasingly more complex as energy efficiency has become more important. Therefore, RCI had to adapt and change. The new name recognizes what they have been for several years now—an association of building consultants that manage all aspects of the building enclosure through design, build, and inspection. RCI will officially change their name to IIBEC at the beginning of April.
The new name was truly a big deal, but not the best thing about the convention and tradeshow. They have four days of educational seminars, two days of trade shows, a golf outing, consultant certification testing, and several receptions and banquets. There are countless opportunities to increase your knowledge, but more importantly, to network and get involved. If you are a consultant on any aspect of creating a building enclosure (a.k.a. building envelope) this is the association for you. If you make, sell, install or do research on building components, you should be there to supply your knowledge and information to the association. The next convention is in Houston, May 26-31, 2019.