The New SPFA

SPRAY FOAM MAGAZINE – Show Issue 2021 – 2020 was filled with challenges. SPFA took them as an opportunity to learn from the past and decide how the SPFA would adapt to meet our members’ changing needs.
Based on the recommendations of the Membership Committee, co-chaired by Ken Wells (Elite Insulation & Polypro, LLC) and Teri England (SmartChoice Insulation & Roofing), we launched the initiative for the “NEW” SPFA!
We started by surveying stakeholders across the industry. You answered.
What we heard first is that members want to wear the SPFA logo as a 'badge of honor' and we decided it was time to re-brand. Our new logo was born. Officially launched in January 2021, the logo now is being transitioned into membership materials, our new website, SPFA Tech Tips, technical documents and more.
We learned several additional things from our survey: members aren’t aware of all available SPFA resources; many are interested in learning more facts about foam; and industry pros want to learn more about SPFA. The survey responses showed us that some of the work we do is our ‘best kept secret’. Many folks asked for things which SPFA has had available for years. Others simply asked for support in helping run their companies better.
We are listening and have introduced:
Foam Fact Friday (FFF), an interesting foam fact is shared each Friday.
Monthly Member Monday (MMM), one of many SPFA member benefits is shared each month.
We also introduced the all-new Toolbox Talk Program. Anchor Insulation of Pawtucket, RI graciously donated the content and the SPFA Safety Committee developed the program. Encompassing a 129-page downloadable document, the program provides 52 weekly toolbox talks designed just for spray foam contractors. Each talk provides a team leader with 15-20 minutes of content on a specific safety topic and includes a sign-in sheet for recordkeeping.
The package is organized so that if Week 1 content is delivered during the first week of January, the remainder of the year will address seasonal safety issues. Naturally, you can adapt it to whenever you start the program to align the seasons. This program is just one of many benefits available in the Members Only portion of the SPFA website at www.sprayfoam.org. If you are a member, take time to explore the Members Only section. If you aren’t, consider joining.
The work of SPFA to continually improve member services is our highest priority. Questions? Contact Kelly Marcavage at kmarcavage@sprayfoam.org.