Polyurea Expert From China Gives Presentation at SSPC
BEIJING, CHINA - March 30, 2012 - Professor Weibo Huang delivered an exciting project presentation at the 2012 conference for the Society of Protective Coatings (SSPC). The polyurea expert was involved in a project in Beijing that now marks the largest-scale polyurea project completed in the product’s history.
Four papers were presented concerning polyurea and thick coatings, of which Professor Huang provided one. Professor Huang, of Qingdao Technological University, presented the paper “Polyurea Great Wall: Beijing-Shanghai High Speed Railway Polyurea Protective Project”. Polyurea was applied to the high-speed railway which rests at 819 miles (1318 km) in length.
Professor Huang was invited as the chief scientist on the project by the Ministry of Railways of the People’s Republic of China, to draft the technical guideline, training text book, and an instruction and troubleshooting manual.
More information about the paper, and about the project, can be found by following the links.
Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC 2012) featuring GreenCOAT took place in Tampa, FL, from Jan. 30- Feb 2. SSPC 2012 is the only show in North America that is 100% focused on protective, marine, and industrial coatings.