NCFI Engineer Exemplifies Ongoing Industry Leadership wiith Continued Building Science Testing
MOUNT AIRY, NC – August 20, 2013 – NCFI Polyurethanes has been in business since 1964, and while the rest of the US building industry looks to the company and its Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) insulation products for experience gleaned from all those years, the company itself looks to the future.
“We have never been content to ride the wave,” says Steve Riddle, President of NCFI, “And I guess that’s how we’ve become one of the top US companies in this space. Yes, our 49 years of experience give us a great foundation for creating better products and programs for our partners, and yes the building industry turns to us for leadership in engineered energy efficiency products, but our company culture is one of being ahead of the wave—knowing more, understanding more, and being out front thinking and acting to better serve the US building community. Jason [Hoerter] is an excellent example of how NCFI does business.”
Hoerter, a Professional Engineer (PE), and Register Roofing Observer (RRO), who has worked at Honeywell and 3M, recently tested and received his Building Science Principles certificate of knowledge from Building Performance Institute (BPI), an organization that develops standards for energy efficiency retrofit work, and develops professional credentials for individuals, accreditation for contracting companies –including quality assurance programs based on testing protocols set by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
“It’s just normal around NCFI to continue improving your knowledge,” says Hoerter. “The drive is stronger here than anyplace I’ve worked. My goal is to be a pure building science engineer—to see how our products can work within the whole. We all just automatically think how we can gather more knowledge to improve our SPF products and support. For me it’s learning more about building envelopes and how HVAC, mechanical ventilation, air leakage and thermal bridging interact with the whole-system approach to energy efficiency and IAQ [indoor air quality].”
Hoerter says testing on and passing the Building Science Principles gives him a great platform from which to add value to NFCI’s engineering and scientific teams.
“Our internal discussions focus on how we create the next generation SPF engineered building materials, and how they save money on energy costs, improve indoor air quality, and add to the overall health and sustainability of residential or commercial buildings. Being tested on this knowledge helps me reinforce my understanding, and contribute to how we create better high-performance insulation.”
ABOUT NCFI: NCFI, headquartered in Mt. Airy, NC since 1964, manufactures polyurethane foam chemical systems for spray foam-in-place insulation (SPF), geotechnical, agricultural, roofing, marine floatation, packaging, specialty molding, and many other uses. The company also offers a complete line of flexible foams for furniture seating, transportation seating, bedding, carpet underlay, and packaging. NCFI also has manufacturing plants in Hickory, N.C., Dalton, GA., and Salt Lake City, UT. To learn more about NCFI, please refer to the contact information and links provided below.