Keeping Your Cool

Keeping Your Cool

Magazine View

Spray Foam Magazine – Summer Issue 2022 – PPE may sometimes intensify the effects of heat; however, it may also be employed to help fight it. OSHA agrees with this sentiment and states that the use of circulating air is “The most highly effective, as well as the most complicated, personal cooling system.” For example, PPE supplied air respirators, direct compressed air throughout the body and help increase both evaporative and convective cooling.

These supplied air systems are comparable to climate control, and they work for the individual. This is perfect for spray foam installers who can use them indoors and outdoors and enables them to adjust the temperature to their own personal likings.

Climate control strategies are beneficial in easing heat when used with supplied air and respirators. Connecting to the air, users can cool their incoming air as needed. Quality devices are lightweight, small, and fit easily on a person’s hip. The cooled air is pushed into the head area, moving around the head and upper torso, providing instantaneous cooling assistance to the wearer.

Regulating body temperature is critical in safeguarding both the worker and their co-workers. Helping and supporting them and keeping them able, focused constructively, but most importantly, protected on the job.

Why is heat exhaustion so dangerous?

Experts say heat exhaustion is not regarded as a big health hazard on its own. However, if left untreated it can lead to heatstroke and other consequences, such as brain damage and organ failure.

The OSHA Heat Illness Prevention program, which began in 2011, informs businesses and employees about the dangers of working in the heat. Millions of workers and employers have learned how to protect themselves from heat through training sessions, outreach activities, instructional sessions, publications, social media messages, and media appearances. The basic safety message is summed up in three words: water, rest, and shade.

An air-conditioned respirator system like the Tennessee Chill Box provides cool relief in hot situations. Helping to keep workers safe from dangerous heat stroke, heat exhaustion, dehydration, nausea, fatigue and reduce downtime from the need for frequent breaks. Basically, saving lives while saving money.

Breathing is the most important part of human survival. Providing fresh, breathable, cool air, prevents the high temperatures from having an impact on everyone’s safety. It’s your responsibility to beat the heat.

The Chill Box meets the requirements for providing workers with more than enough fresh breathable air, as well as keeping them cool, safe, and able to operate for extended periods of time.

With new technological advances in the workforce, more complex respirator compliances, regulations, and challenging work environments, all require a new way of thinking and a different approach to working!  

  •  Get out of the heat and move into a cool place
  •  Lie down and elevate feet
  •  Take off any tight clothing

  •  Use a fan to lower temperature 
  •  Apply cold presses to the skin
  •  Have victim drink fluids