ICC-ES Issues Several New Building Product Listings to Manufacturers
"We are excited to see the continuous growth of our Listing Program, issuing new listings to manufacturers seeking immediate acceptance by code officials," said ICC-ES President Shahin Moinian, P.E. "ICC-ES' reputation is built on producing high quality evaluation reports, and it is because of our technical expertise and decades of experience that we are able to evaluate building products to the same degree and issue high quality listings in a timely manner."
The latest manufacturers to receive ICC-ES Building Product Listings are:
- ESL-1049 Hydro-Gard, LLC – Hydro-Prufe® 80 Mil Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Waterproofing Membrane for Tank Lining
- ESL-1052 Demilec (USA) Inc. – Sealection® 500 Spray-Applied Polyurethane Foam Insulation
- ESL-1059 Lapolla Industries, Inc. – Foam-Lok FL500 (Also known as airtight oc, Guardfoam 55 oc or Open Cell Retrofit Foam) Spray Foam Insulation
- ESL-1060 Gaco Western, LLC Gacogreen 052 and 052n Spray-Applied Polyurethane Insulations
- ESL-1061 Astor Group Ltd. – Expandable Polystyrene (EPS) Beads, Grade F
- ESL-1062 Hardieplank™ (Cemplank®, Prevail™, And Rfc®) Lap Siding
- ESL-1065 Bayseal™ Oc Spray-Applied Polyurethane Insulation
- ESL-1068 Trex Company, Inc. – Wood Thermoplastic Composite Lumber Deck Boards
- ESL-1069 Eastern Wholesale Fence Co., Inc. – Illusions® Vinyl Railing System™
- ESL-1070 Engineered Plastic Systems, LLC – Bearboard Polyethylene Deck Board And Lumberock® Polyethylene Deck Board
- ESL-1071 Vision Outdoor Products Limited – Guardrail Assembly
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About ICC-ES: A nonprofit, limited liability company, ICC-ES is the United States’ leading evaluation service for innovative building materials, components and systems. ICC-ES Evaluation Reports (ESRs), Building Product Listings and PMG Listings provide evidence that products and systems meet requirements of codes and technical standards. The ICC-ES Environmental Programs issue VAR environmental reports that verify a product meets specific sustainability targets defined by today’s codes, standards, green rating systems and ICC-ES environmental criteria. The Environmental Programs now offer Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), to meet global market demand for science-based, transparent, quality-assured information about a product’s environmental performance. ICC-ES is a member of the ICC Family of Companies. For more information, please visit www.icc-es.org.