Energy Efficient Foam Coalition Applauds ICC for Rejecting Proposals to Side-Step Fire Safety Test
WASHINGTON, D.C.–April 30, 2013–During the International Code Council (ICC) Committee Action Hearings on Saturday, the International Residential Code (IRC) Building Committee rejected proposals put forth to side-step the E-84 Steiner Tunnel test. The Energy Efficient Foam Coalition issued the following statement about the weekend's events:
"The Coalition applauds the Committee for rejecting these proposals, which would have potentially led to the removal of valuable flame retardants from foam insulation in certain residential applications. The Committee's actions today reiterate the importance of flame retardants in foam insulation as a key contributor to fire safety.
"Fire safety is one of the Coalition's top priorities, and fire science shows that flame retardants in foam insulation help protect occupants and workers from fire-related death and injury, and owners and occupants from property loss. Existing building code fire safety provisions are based on years of careful analysis, extensive testing, and a robust and inclusive public development process. This process drew on the expertise of and analysis by fire scientists, the fire services, fire testing laboratories, code officials and other experts.
"The Coalition also advocates that any assessment of potential health risk associated with the use of flame retardants in foam insulation must be based on scientific research that takes into account hazard and exposure."
About The Energy Efficient Foam Coalition:The EEFC's mission is to promote the benefits of foam insulation products and to provide factual information that brings a credible, science-based perspective to discussions surrounding the use of flame retardants in rigid and spray foam insulation. To learn more about the Coalition, please visit its website at www.foaminsulationcoalition.org. To learn more about the Coalition, please visit its website at www.foaminsulationcoalition.org.
About The American Chemistry Council:The ACC represents the leading companies engaged in the business of chemistry. ACC members apply the science of chemistry to make innovative products and services that make people's lives better, healthier and safer. ACC is committed to improved environmental, health and safety performance through Responsible Care®, common sense advocacy designed to address major public policy issues, and health and environmental research and product testing. The business of chemistry is a $760 billion enterprise and a key element of the nation's economy. It is the largest exporting sector in the U.S., accounting for 12 percent of U.S. exports. Chemistry companies are among the largest investors in research and development. Safety and security have always been primary concerns of ACC members, and they have intensified their efforts, working closely with government agencies to improve security and to defend against any threat to the nation's critical infrastructure.