DC 315 Passes NFPA 286 Over NCFI’s Sealite 0.5 lb/ft³ Open-Cell Spray Foam
The companies ran a NFPA 286 test of DC 315 over NCFI’s Sealite™ 0.5 lb/ft³ open-cell spray polyurethane foam. This testing satisfies the requirements of the ICC regarding acceptable testing certification requirements to be used in lieu of the requirement for a 15 minute thermal barrier when applied over NCFI’s Sealite.
Gary Wolfe, Executive Vice President of IFTI states, “We have proven that DC315, when applied to our specifications, per the test reports, is a low cost, easy to use solution to a building code issue.” Mr. Wolfe goes on to say that, “We have passed testing now on many national brands of foam, using both the NFPA 286 standards and the UL1715 standards to show the power and performance of our DC 315.
I would like to personally thank all the staff of NCFI Polyurethanes that have been working with us on testing, and their efforts to educate the market on proper application of Ignition and Thermal Barriers to satisfy the codes.”
Contact International Fireproof Technology, Inc at 949-975-8588 or by email at ptp@painttoprotect.com for additional information and for assistance on upcoming spray foam jobs or if there is any additional information you may need. International Fireproof Technology will be updating its website at www.painttoprotect.com with current tests results over the next couple of weeks.
About NCFI Polyurethanes, Inc.
NCFI was organized in 1964 by research chemist, Dr. H. W. Bradley and Barnhardt Manufacturing Company. NCFI is headquartered in Mt. Airy, NC and manufactures polyurethane foam chemical systems for spray foam-in-place insulation (SPF), roofing, marine floatation, packaging, specialty molding, and many other uses. The company also offers a complete line of flexible foams for furniture seating, transportation seating, bedding, carpet underlay, and packaging. NCFI has manufacturing plants in Hickory, N.C., Dalton, GA., and Salt Lake City, UT. To learn more about NCFI’s product line please visit www.insulstar.com.