USGBC and BCSE Join Global Effort to Further Energy Efficiency
LIMA, PERU – December 12, 2014 – The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) announced today that it has joined the Global Energy Efficiency Accelerator Platform, along with the Business Council for Sustainable Energy (BCSE). The Global Energy Efficiency Accelerator Platform is a program of U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki Moon's Sustainable Energy for All (#SE4ALL) initiative. The USGBC and BCSE constituents represent thousands of businesses and organizations that are driving energy efficiency solutions all around the world.
"We are extremely pleased that USGBC and BCSE are joining this global effort to support and catalyze energy efficiency around the world," said Kandeh Yumkella, special representative of the UN Secretary General for Sustainable Energy for All. "These organizations bring with them tremendous knowledge, expertise and capacity, which will help us achieve our ambitious goals."
The Accelerator Platform and its members are committed to the goal of doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency by 2030. Launched two months ago at the UN Climate Summit, the Accelerator Platform is designed to unite key stakeholders who are dedicated to working together to catalyze a major scaling up of energy efficiency activities with a collaborative program of technical and financial assistance.
"The Accelerator Platform is driving real change through its dynamic public-private partnership approach," said Roger Platt, president, USGBC. "Globally, buildings account for about one-third of energy use and energy-related greenhouse gas emissions. With green, energy efficient buildings and green building programs like LEED, we can achieve 25 to 50 percent reductions in energy, which also helps mitigate climate change, save money, create jobs and improve the health and environment in communities."
As a catalyst for action, the Global Energy Efficiency Accelerator Platform teams will engage with national and sub-national leaders to support concrete action at the country, city, state, regional and sector levels, together with donors and other supporters. In addition, the Accelerator Platform is poised to support the emissions reduction goals being discussed this week in Lima at the UN climate talks (COP20) as negotiators work towards a global climate agreement in Paris next year.
"This is a huge opportunity to adopt a truly global approach and unlock the potential of energy efficiency," said Lisa Jacobson, president, BCSE. "The Accelerator Platform is all about collaboration and translating ideas into reality. By working together, we know we can bring these off-the-shelf efficiency solutions and technologies to communities around the world."
The global Accelerator Platform network represents businesses, NGOs and international organizations that are providing tools, expertise, technical capabilities and financial support to help accelerate building efficiency policy and project initiatives.
"We are particularly excited about USGBC and BCSE joining the Accelerator Platform because they both have a proven track record of advancing effective market-based solutions in green building and energy efficiency," said Jennifer Layke, director, Building Efficiency Initiative, World Resources Institute. "And both of these organizations and their members will be critical in the work of the newly-formed Building Efficiency Initiative at WRI that is supporting the Building Efficiency Accelerator Platform."
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