USA Insulation Alerts Homeowners That Time is Running Out on Energy Tax Credit
SCRANTON, PA – December 19, 2013 – This year, the government has been providing homeowners with up to a $500 tax credit for making qualified energy-saving home improvements such as insulating their homes. Unfortunately, the tax credit, part of the Taxpayer Relief Act passed at the beginning of the year, is due to expire on December 31st. USA Insulation wants to remind homeowners to insulate this month in order to receive the tax credit.
"We encourage homeowners to act now and take advantage of this unique money-saving government incentive," said Patrick Pitrone. Pitrone is president of USA Insulation, America's first and largest retrofit insulation company with franchises throughout the country. Pitrone added, "In addition to the tax credit savings, homeowners can substantially decrease their energy bills by properly insulating the walls and attic."
Not all insulation products qualify for the tax credit. They must meet stringent government standards for energy efficiency. This way, not only the homeowner benefits from lower energy bills and a more comfortable home, the government also benefits by reducing energy consumption and our dependency on valuable natural resources, much of which comes from overseas.
"Our proprietary Premium Foam not only qualifies for the tax credit, it has been shown to offer superior energy-saving properties," said Pitrone.
Pitrone noted that USA Premium Foam Insulation has up to a 35% higher R-value than conventional types of insulation for greater energy efficiency. And, because it goes in as a liquid, it gets into spaces that most other insulation can't—behind wires, pipes, electrical outlets, and other obstacles. Premium Foam is also eco-friendly for a safer, healthier home environment and it won't settle over time.
In addition to newer homes that may need to upgrade their insulation, most homes built before 1980 are under-insulated or uninsulated due to the fact that building codes didn't require insulation prior to the mid-1970s. USA Premium Foam Insulation can be installed over most types of existing insulation.
To take advantage of the added savings, the installation must be performed before the end of this year.
"Even though the deadline is soon, it's not too late to have Premium Foam installed," said Pitrone. "Most homes take less than a day to insulate, which is done from outside the home with little or no visible damage to the exterior."
Another obvious reason to insulate now is that winter is settling in with its cold temperatures and high heating bills. Homeowners can take comfort in knowing they can feel good in their homes and feel good about saving money on their taxes.
About USA Insulation: USA Insulation, headquartered in Eastlake, Ohio and with franchises throughout the country, has insulated over 30,000 homes nationwide since 1977. In addition to Premium Foam, USA Insulation also offers air sealing, and attic and spray foam insulation. For more information, please use the contact information and links provided below.