University Housing Complex Roofing System Restored with Polyurea Coating Application
ROCHESTER, NY–March 11, 2013–Colony Manor Apartments are part of student housing for Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) and combine the freedom of off-campus, apartment-style living with the convenience of on-campus housing. The apartment complex has been popular among students for decades, but in the past few years, the roofing systems on the numerous buildings that comprise the complex had begun to deteriorate.
"The existing EPDM membrane roofing had failed, resulting in water leakage in the apartments," said Rich Franklin, representative for Oak Ridge Coatings.
While the water issues weren't an emergency at the time of discovery, they could have become severely problematic if left unaddressed. The potential for damage was so concerning that RIT was uncertain as to the complex's future. So, the school wanted to have a system installed that could at least buy them time until a decision could be made. So, RIT brought in a New York-based contractor, in conjunction with Oak Ridge Coatings, to provide a solution.
They decided to test the performance of a polyurea coating system installed over the existing EPDM rubber membrane. What was unique about the proposed application, though, was the incorporation of aluminum one-way roof vents. The vents would allow extant moisture in the existing EPDM system to evaporate, while the polyurea coating would prevent further water intrusion. Both Oak Ridge and the contracting company were confident that the system would not only buy RIT time, but that it would furthermore fix the situation entirely, without having to remove the existing membrane.
For the initial project, the application crew focused on just one of the complex's apartment buildings, which was 8,000 square feet in area. The company installed the roof vents, making sure to seal and reinforce the seams. Then, the crew power-washed and primed the roof before applying a minimum 15 mils of Oak Ridge's ORSLM silver polyurea coating.
Within six months, the roofing system was sufficiently dry, according to Franklin. RIT subsequently decided to proceed with installing the polyurea membrane system over the roofing surface of every building in the complex, which totaled 46,000 square feet in area.
"The coating made what was old, new again," said Franklin, "saving them from the excessive costs of removal and replacement, and providing them with a meaningful warranty upon completion."
About Oak Ridge Coatings: A trademark of Coatings Holdings LTD, Oak Ridge Coatings is a Wisconsin-based chemical supplier, offer a full range of polyurethane foams, polyurea coatings, silicone coatings, urethane coatings, acrylic coatings, and primers. The company also offers a full range of application equipment, from spray rigs to PPE. Service offerings include training and assistance with project specifications. For more information, please use the links and contact details provided below.