Staycell ONE STEP® Spray Polyurethane Foam Systems Eliminate Need for 15-minute Thermal Barriers for Most Applications
CLEVELAND, OH - January 28, 2011 – Preferred Solutions, Inc.’s Staycell ONE STEP® Spray Foam Systems create numerous opportunities for contractors to grow their business and improve profitability.
Staycell ONE STEP® Spray Foam Systems have passed the demanding UL1715 enclosed room fire test. According to Preferred Solutions, Inc., the manufacturer of these revolutionary foam systems, these are the first and only closed-cell spray foam insulation systems that meet the code and fire safety requirements of the International Building Code (IBC) and International Residential Code (IRC) when left exposed in occupied and unoccupied spaces without thermal or ignition barriers in most applications.
Jack Stahl, Vice President of Preferred Solutions, tells us, “Contractors are always looking to improve their competitiveness and Staycell ONE STEP® Spray Foam Systems help toward that end. Spray foam is the logical choice to insulate homes and buildings but the number one obstacle, in my opinion, is cost. By eliminating the material, labor and equipment to install thermal and ignition barriers contractors enjoy a lower cost base, which improves their ability to close more business.”
Product benefits – spray foam contractors
- Lower installed costs
- Eliminates material, labor and equipment costs to install thermal and ignition barriers
- Single application enables faster project completion
- Low exotherm heat eliminates multiple spray passes
- Fewer jobsite tasks to manage
- Sprayed with standard foam equipment
Product benefits – design professionals
- Superior R-value compared to other traditional materials such as fiberglass
- Seamless, closed-cell foam eliminates energy loss due to air leakage
- Strengthens roofs and walls, increasing structural integrity
- Provides vapor retarder that controls moisture problems
- Environmentally friendly, contains no VOCs or ozone depleting agents
- Installed by PSI trained Authorized Applicators
About Preferred Solutions, Inc.
Founded in 1984, Preferred Solutions, Inc. (PSI) is a recognized leader in the manufacture of specialty spray-applied polyurethane foam insulation & protective coating solutions, with over 25 years proven field performance. PSI’s products provide multifunctional solutions to a wide variety of applications, including thermal insulation & air barriers, corrosion control, suspended ceilings, and asbestos & lead paint encasement, within the residential, commercial, industrial and institutional market sectors. For more information call 1-800-809-9062 or visit www.stayflex.com.
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