Spray Foam Contractor In Conneticut Completes Residential Project
STAMFORD, CT - September 21, 2011 – Connecticut-based spray foam contracting company, Beacon Spray Foam, recently completed a 6,000-square-foot residential home project in Stamford, CT.
What began as a job of only spraying the walls, quickly turned into a house-wide spray foam project that eventually yielded very positive results, according to the team.
“The family needed an R-value of 21 for their home to pass its Res test,” said Jesse Horsford, owner of Beacon Spray Foam.
Responding to the call, a four-man crew from Beacon Spray Foam was sent to spray open-cell foam on the underside of the roof, 3 inches of closed cell foam on the 2 feet by 4 feet wall and 2 inches of closed-cell foam in the basement and crawl space.
Horsford's crew applied closed-cell foam into the basement and crawl space due to the client's concerns of water seeping through the concrete.
After completing the job, Horsford reported that the client was very satisfied with the results and the home was able to pass the Res Test.
“Our client was really happy with the foam,” concluded Horsford.
About Beacon Spray Foam:
Beacon Spray Foam is a Connecticut-based spray foam contracting company located in New Haven, CT. For more information, please visit the company's website.