Spray Foam Contractor Goes from Start-Up to Truckloads of Foam with the Help of Award Specialty Services (AWS)
With over 25 years of industry experience, Award Specialty Services (AWS) offers a full line of foam and coatings equipment. Additionally, they specialize in training contractors in spray foam application. Since starting the South Eastern Poly Training Center in 2006, AWS has set up and trained more than fifty new applicators with over 90% of the foam and coatings contractors still in successful operation. AWS is also known for their custom trailer rigs, onsite training, and personalized follow-up support.
One of AWS’s clients, WeatherShield Insulators based in Nebraska, provides a testimonial about the service they received from AWS when they decided to enter the industry. Here is what they had to say about Award Specialty Services:
“In April 2007, we began researching spray foam insulation. We had never heard of it before and there were no contractors in our area to discuss it with. Randy Grove, our company’s President, began talking to Gary Gray at Paradigm Polymers about getting into the business.
In May 2007, we formed our company, WeatherShield Insulators, with the help of Gary and Al Ward of Award Specialty Services. Gary and Al set us up with our first spray rig. It was a 16’ Horton Hauler with a GlasCraft Guardian A5-6000 with a Probler P2 gun. We were running it with a small gas Kohler generator & air compressor.
We first entered the industry not knowing anything about spray foam. Al and Flint Ward at Award Specialty Services knew this and travelled all the way from Atlanta, GA just to train us and show us how to troubleshoot problems. They continue to be a great help to us to this day.
In the beginning, we were only spraying 1 – 2 days per month. We had decided that spray foam would just be a “side-business” since we also build houses and were really busy doing that. In February 2008, we were part of the Local Home Show and business began increasing almost instantly.
Currently, we are spraying 3 – 4 days per week. In the beginning, we were buying foam 1 – 2 sets at a time with Gary at Paradigm Polymers; now we buy by the truckload and have just begun distributing for Gary in our area.
Our business has expanded so much that our old rig was not enough for us. We bought a new 20’ v-nose Horton Hauler with a GAMA G140H and a Master spray gun. We run it with a 40KW Diesel John Deere generator. Al and Flint Ward set this trailer up for us exactly the way we wanted it. This is a challenging and exciting business to be in and with the help of Gary, Al, and Flint we will be in the business for a long time.”
Award Specialty Services provide an array of products and services, including: classroom and remote training sessions, custom spray rig design and assembly, consultation on various types of Urethane applications, OEM and Turn Key applications, equipment sales and service, a full line of accessories for applicators, replacement parts for GlasCraft and GAMA equipment and both in-house and field equipment repair. For more information about any of these services, visit www.awardspecialtyservices.com or call 678-363-5845.