Polyurea Training Program Announced for Early November 2012
HOUSTON, TX – October 9, 2012 – VersaFlex Inc.'s 2012 Polyurea Training Series will continue this fall with the first three levels of the program scheduled from November 5th to November 9th. The courses will be held at VersaFlex's facility in Houston, Texas and headed by Dudley Primeaux, VersaFlex's Director of Education and Development.
The Level 3 class on Polyurea Products will take place on November 5th, 2012 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. The course will focus on VersaFlex's vast palette of coating, lining, and concrete repair products. Attendees will learn about product usage from real world project profiles. Level 3 is a free course.
Level 1, Fundamentals of Polyurea, will take place on November 6th, 2012 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The class will cover the basics of polyurea processing technology, including a spray demonstration. Attendees will get a better understanding of polyurea's advantages and benefits, case histories, application techniques, and end used requirements. The one day course is excellent for engineers, architects, specifiers, sales representatives, purchasing agents, applicators, and owners. The attendance fee for Level 1 is $200.
Level 2, Spray Applicator Training, will take place November 7th to November 9th, 2012 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on November 14th from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The comprehensive polyurea technology course gives a more in-depth overview of polyurea issues on a variety of topics ranging from equipment and troubleshooting to repair and maintenance, substrate preparation and priming among other topics. The course is ideal for those who would like to understand polyurea technology and its place in the variety of coating options available today. Level 2 is only available to those who have taken the Level 1 course and costs $900 to attend.
Classes also include printed training materials and a light breakfast and lunch daily. As always, a dress code of long pants and closed-toe shoes applies. Class sizes are limited to 15 participants, so don't hesitate to register.
About VersaFlex Incorporated: Based in Kansas City, Kansas, VersaFlex is a manufacturer of rapid-curing polyurea elastomer sealants, polyurea repair material, and fast-setting polyurea spray materials. The company prides itself on its tradition of technical service and on-site supervision. For more information, please use the contact details and links provided below.