New Orleans Renovator Recommends Spray Foam to Cut Utility Costs in Summer Months
NEW ORLEANS, LA - May 23, 2011 - Among other things, New Orleans is known for its brutally hot and humid weather. With summer just around the corner, homeowners in the city and surrounding areas are looking for ways to cut back on their utility costs as they blast air conditioners to keep the heat at bay.
Kurt Buchert of GreenBean Insulation often takes calls from homeowners who ask him what the best way to cut back on heating and cooling costs is; his response to homeowners, time and again, is to use spray foam to make sure their homes are properly insulated. "If you insulate your house with spray foam, it's like making it a big ice chest," Buchert told the Gambit Weekly. "It stops air infiltration. Other infiltration products don't do that."
Buchert was not always a spray foam fan, but after he used the product he became a firm believer in its ability to cut costs for homeowners. "If you live in an old house, you know you have poor insulation," he affirms. "Spray foam helps in the summer and winter."
While spray foam is a little more expensive than other insulation products, the savings that arise are much greater in the medium- and long-term. "If you spray foam an entire house, you're [potentially] looking at a savings of 60 to 70 percent."