New Closed-Cell Spray Foam Insulation Offers Solution Suitable for Various Applications
Mississauga, ONTARIO - February 7, 2011 - ICYNENE introduces a robust, high performance 2 lb. closed cell spray foam insulation. After years of careful research & development, Icynene is excited to offer a closed cell SPF that meets the strict standards of quality and performance that customers have come to know and trust. ICYNENE MD-C-200 expands the comfort zone with benefits such as:
- Closed cell technology
- High R-value
- Uniform cells for increased dimensional stability
- Air impermeable material
- Increased structural integrity for a home or commercial building
- Built-in vapor retarder (Class II vapor retarder at 1.5”)
- Superior cold temperature adhesion to multiple substrates
- Code Acceptance for all Construction Types—I, II, III, IV & V
- Formulations for all Climate Zones and Altitudes
As a Contractor it’s your reputation on the line. Now you can push the limits of design while being able to meet or exceed code requirements requiring high R-value and/or a vapor retarder. As a Commercial or Residential building owner, you can save up to 50% on your heating and cooling bills, claims the manufacturer.
ICYNENE MD-C-200 offers a solution suitable for applications in various climates and altitudes. For those in flood regions, ICYNENE MD-C-200 meets FEMA Criteria for resisting water absorption. Because of its high R-value, it is also highly suited for colder climates. According to Icynene, it does not require either a vapor retarder or ignition barrier coating in unvented attics.
The Icynene Difference
More than just the chemistry in the lab, there is the chemistry of a company. Icynene's global dealer network is extensive and each must pass strict testing in order to be licensed to spray Icynene products. Each shares Icynene’s commitment to upholding the highest standards of product quality, world class installation and dedication to the customer. Furthermore, it has dedicated engineers and technology experts that form the foundation of our Building Science expertise.
About Icynene Inc.
Established in 1986, Icynene helps to build more energy efficient homes and commercial structures. The company's portfolio of high performance light and medium density solutions meets the needs of both an insulation and air barrier material for improved air quality and reduced energy costs, making it the right choice for architects, builders and homeowners. For more information visit: www.Icynene.com.