NCFI Named Top Product by Florida Code
MOUNT AIRY, NC - October 20, 2011 - One of the nation’s most stringent product approval processes and highest standards for building products, Florida Building Codes Product Approval, confirmed that InsulStar, a high performance SPF product by U.S. company NCFI Polyurethanes, offers the highest wind resistance of any product by any company in the U.S. and world currently approved for use in the state.
The testing showed that InsulStar used in triangular wedge-shaped fillets sprayed between the rafters and roof deck, without additional fasteners, provided a wind uplift resistance design pressure of 190 PSF, greater by far (120-170 PSF) than any other approved U.S. or foreign product in Florida. It can also be applied across the roof deck to act as a secondary water barrier.
“This is what we work toward every single day,” said Mitch Clifton, senior manager with NCFI. “As pioneers since 1964 of Spray Polyurethane Foam systems for commercial and residential building and roofing, we’re not new to this. We take great pride in being first to market with the very best SPF products and putting them up against newcomers and foreign products coming into the market. The Florida Building Codes are tough and exacting, as they should be in a state where climate and inclement weather plays such a major role. We tasked our R&D people to design InsulStar to include the science of our legacy wind uplift product, Insulstar Plus, taking its place in the NCFI product line to exceed the toughest standards and last for the life of the home or building."
Jason Hoerter, P.E., Senior Product Manager with NCFI, agreed. “Builders in Florida and the Gulf states will tell you InsulStar gives them, and their customers, the comfort of knowing it does what we, and the Florida Building Code, says it does. It’s a single product that offers the highest insulation value and wind uplift resistance which makes it highly cost effective,” he said.
Shawn Haag, Fla. division manager, Reichel Insulation, Tavares, FL, said his division chooses InsulStar and other NCFI products exclusively because “they are the clearly the best of breed. They go on best, have the least issues with quality and equipment, and have the professional pedigree—EPA Stratospheric Ozone Award, Fla. Product Approval, and IRC, IBC, IECC ratings—to prove to builders like me they are the best for my customers. That trust means everything.”
The Florida Product Approval system is in place to ensure creditability; a higher standard of practice for product evaluations and consistency of enforcement statewide. According to the Florida Building Code, “Products covered under this program must be evaluated by nationally accredited and state approved entities or by state licensed engineers and architects. These entities must meet national standards for independence from the manufacturers whose products they evaluate. Additionally, manufacturers of covered products must maintain third party monitoring for quality assurance to verify continued compliance by their products.”
ABOUT NCFI: NCFI, a U.S. company headquartered in Mt. Airy, NC since 1964, manufactures polyurethane foam chemical systems for spray foam-in-place insulation (SPF), roofing, marine floatation, packaging, specialty molding, and many other uses. The company also offers a complete line of flexible foams for furniture seating, transportation seating, bedding, carpet underlay, and packaging. NCFI also has manufacturing plants in Hickory, N.C., Dalton, GA., and Salt Lake City, UT. To learn more about NCFI please visit www.NCFI.com.