NCFI Geotech Polyurethane Foam to Save the Day
HOUSTON, TX— October 18, 2023 – A global provider of juice concentrates, fruit blends, and purees was getting squeezed. A broken concrete drainage line beneath Prodalim USA’s Ocoee, Florida facility caused erosion under the factory that endangered the line. Prodalim USA talked to a concrete company who referred Slab Fix, an Orlando-based company specializing in concrete repair and rehabilitation.“The acid in the juice runoff and heavy equipment above had wreaked havoc on the old concrete drainage pipes,” says Yasser Krayem, owner of Slab Fix, LLC. “The 20 cubic yard void beneath the foundation was considerable. We suggested using a unique geotechnical polyurethane by NCFI Geotechnical called Strata-Fill to fill the void and stabilize the soil with as little interruption as possible.”
Krayem says his company has 25 years of experience and went straight to work on the problem. “We first prepped the area, drilled half-inch test holes in the slab, and snaked cameras in to determine the location and size of the void. Next, we removed a piece of the slab to expose the void and pumped in thousands of pounds of Strata-Fill, a slow rising foam that expands then cures in place to fill the void and stabilize the soil.” Krayem adds, “We used video of the injection process to make sure the void was completely filled, then sprayed from the outside.”
According to Krayem, “Strata-Fill is lightweight so it won’t add to stress on the soil, and once cured is so amazingly tough and resilient it should last for the life of facility.” He adds, “It only took us two days to complete the project, with minimal intrusion on the working factory—they never had to shut down.”
Krayem began working with NCFI six years ago using Strata-Fill on concrete seawall repair projects. “Strata-Fill is a superior hydrophobic polyurethane material, and the company has 60 years of experience, so I trust them. They send technical staff when we need them, and they’ve recruited me to help train other contractors on similar applications. It’s a great relationship.”
NCFI Polyurethanes got its start in 1964 and manufactures polyurethane foam systems for spray foam insulation (SPF), geotechnical, agricultural, SPF roofing, marine flotation, aerospace, molding, and many other uses. The company also offers a complete line of flexible foams for furniture, transportation, bedding, carpet underlay, and packaging. NCFI also has manufacturing plants in NC, GA, and TX. NCFI belongs to the Barnhardt Manufacturing Company, Inc. family of companies. To learn more about NCFI please visit www.NCFI.com
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