Must-Dos For Social Media Marketing

Must-Dos For Social Media Marketing

Magazine View

JUPITER, FL – February 13, 2018 – In this day and age, most people have social media profiles to stay connected with family and friends. When creating your profile, you carefully pick the information you put on your page in order to create the image you want others to see. Creating social media profiles for your busi-ness is no different. Each post, picture, and information given should be strategized in order to turn your online presence into profitable opportunities.

1.       Business, Not Personal

Think of your business social media accounts as public platforms that are used to market your brand and distribution for content. The content you create must be attractive and engaging to the ideal prospect you are selling to, not random traffic. You can do this through identifying issues or desires your target market has, and then giving them the solution or answer, which in turn will entice them to follow your account.

2.       Tag, Tag, Tag                                                              


When posting content that contains a brand name, location, or a partnering company, always be sure to tag their username in your post. When doing so, your post will automatically be shown on their social media page, which then allows their followers to see your content, and opens the doors for them to follow you.

3.       Consistency Equals Community

Using social media to communicate with an audience and providing them with valuable infor-mation consistently is key to keeping and gaining followers. Be careful not to over-post or provide too many promotional offers, or you can lose followers. Push content catered to your audience across your profiles once a day, and your business’s name will become familiar and something they will expect to see, therefore becoming relevant. To make it easy, there are several pieces of automation software such as Hootsuite that allow you to schedule posts in advance to stay on track.

4.       Go Live


Live events are everything! Not only do you get to experience the energy of the event firsthand, but you can share the enthusiasm with your followers as well. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram have a “live” component that offers live-streaming video capabilities from your smartphone for users to share with their followers. Giving your audience an experi-ence they can feel a part of is engaging and worth paying attention to.

5.       Track and Measure


Knowing what your followers like, dislike, and engage in is key. Through measuring your results, you will be able to determine whether or not your social effort is reaching the goals you have made. Being willing to change your social media strategy if you are not receiving the results you are looking for. The objective is to appeal to your audience to hopefully turn into customers.

Growing an audience, regardless of your budget is possible for any business. Through following these tools, getting creative with ideas, and learning from your mistakes, social media profiles will be one of the best outlets to connect with current and potential customers.