Mid-America Coating Systems Re-Roofs Aging Church Dome with Spray Foam
BOARDMAN, OH–August 30, 2012–A uniquely designed church in eastern Ohio was in dire need of a rehabilitation for its domed roof. When Mid-America Coating Systems LLC first reviewed this project, the company immediately assert that it could solve the church's roofing problem, saving them a large amount of money in the process.
The original spray foam roof was installed around 1984, but had been neglected over period of nearly three decades. As a result, the roof was deteriorating and had developed leaks, allowing water to enter the structure. They knew it would take a seasoned contractor with experience working on dome structures to take on this project. Dennis Davidson, Mid-America's president and owner, has spent the last 32 years installing spray foam roofing and insulation all over the country.
"I have extensive experience working on many different dome structures and tanks during my career," said Davidson.
Davidson was originally contacted by another roofing company that previously had worked for the church, in which they installed single-ply rubber on the flat roofs of buildings attached to the dome structure.
"They realized that installing a single-ply system or shingles on this dome would not be practical, nor would it look good," said Davidson.
Without a solution to the problem the roofing company considered demolishing the dome and just installing a flat rubber roof in its place. But the church did not want to change the appearance of the dome they were so proud of. Desperate to save the dome, they began looking for alternative solutions. After discussing it with other church members, one suggested spray foam.
The original roof, totaling nearly 15,000 square feet in surface area, was composed of just a 0.75-inch layer of spray foam installed over ridged insulation board and attached to the dome's wooden frame.
"From experience, I knew the existing roof could not be saved, due to the lack of maintenance, and needed to be completely removed and rebuilt," Davidson
Mid-America needed a serious game plan to coordinate both the demolition and the new roof installation simultaneously.
"Our plan had to include the demolition of one section at a time, getting it watertight as we went," explained Davidson.
The plan involved removing the existing spray foam and ridged foam boards; repairing the wood framing; custom cutting and attaching each OSB board to the frame; installing a minimum two-inch layer of roofing foam; and applying three layers of urethane coating. All of this had to be completed without disrupting any of the church services throughout the week or blocking any church traffic.
"All work was done without creating any dust or fumes while anyone was in or around the church," said Davidson. "We also had to protect the many trees, plants and statues surrounding the building."
In addition to coordinating with the church's ongoing operation, Mid-America had to account for application-specific precautions. Each crew member had to wear a full-body safety harness, fall suppression lanyard, and an individual safety rope while working on the dome. Mid-America also used a telescopic fork lift and a 120' JLG man lift during the project.
In total, the project required 12 sets of foam and 10 barrels of coating. Mid-America's six-man crew completed the entire project in 22 days.
"We simply took charge of the project site, organizing equipment and materials creating a ridged schedule of project events," said Davidson. "The professional team effort by Mid-America Coating Systems made this project a huge success."
About Mid-America Coating Systems LLC: Dennis Davidson serves at President of Mid-America Coating Systems, a spray foam roofing and insulation, spray cellulose insulation, and polyurea coatings contracting firm based out of Massillon, Ohio. Davidson is a 2nd generation contractor with over 30 years of experience in the field. For more information, please use the contact details and links provided below.