ICC-ES Supports Manufacturers to Comply with 2015 International Codes
WHITTIER, CA – August 26, 2014 – ICC-ES is prepared to update manufacturers' existing ICC-ES evaluation reports so that they meet the requirements of the newly published 2015 I-Codes. Many changes in the 2015 I-Codes provide clarity so they can be applied consistently. The 2015 I-Codes address design and installation of innovative materials and encourage the use of new and smarter technological advances.
"As a subsidiary of the International Code Council, ICC-ES has the technical knowledge and resources to help manufacturers comply with the 2015 I-Codes in a timely manner," said ICC-ES President Shahin Moinian, P.E. "We encourage manufacturers to comply with the most current codes for expanded market acceptance."
Some of the changes to the 2015 I-Codes which may affect manufacturers include:
International Building Code® (IBC)
- The concrete provisions have been updated to coordinate with the provisions of the referenced standard, ACI 318. Included are revisions to the concrete anchorage provisions;
- A new wind resistance standard has been added to the code to address the use of foam plastic insulation which is used as an exterior wall sheathing on framed wall assemblies;
- The roofing provisions have been expanded and updated to include photovoltaic provisions which are correlated with industry practice. Included are new provisions for roof dead, live and snow drift loads for such systems.
International Residential Code® (IRC)
- The wood deck provisions have been significantly expanded to provide additional prescriptive design and construction details for all facets of decks, including the decking, joists, beams, posts and connections;
- Three new sections have been added which include prescriptive design and details for cladding attachment over foam sheathing which is either attached to wood or cold formed steel framing or attached to masonry or concrete;
- New provisions for photovoltaic roof shingles, including allowable roof slope, underlayment requirements and attachment have been added to the code.
International Plumbing Code® (IPC)
- All valves in the water supply and distribution system that supplies drinking water must now comply with NSF 61. Previous editions only required certain types of valves to comply;
- The storm drainage provisions of Chapter 11 have been substantially revised relative to the size of roof drainage systems. Research has shown that ponding of water can increase the pressure in the drainage system to the point where piping failures can occur.
International Existing Building Code® (IEBC)
- Operable windows which undergo replacement are required to be equipped with window opening control devices to provide window fall protection for children. Such devices must comply with ASTM F2090;
- The structural prescriptive compliance provisions of Chapter 4 for alterations have been revised to require specific design considerations for wall anchorage for unreinforced masonry walls and unreinforced masonry parapets.
About ICC-ES: A nonprofit, limited liability company, ICC-ES is the United States' leading evaluation service for innovative building materials, components and systems. ICC-ES Evaluation Reports (ESRs), Building Product Listings and PMG Listings provide evidence that products and systems meet requirements of codes and technical standards. The ICC-ES Environmental Programs issue VAR environmental reports that verify a product meets specific sustainability targets defined by today's codes, standards, green rating systems and ICC-ES environmental criteria. The Environmental Programs now offer Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) to meet global market demand for science-based, transparent, quality-assured information about a product's environmental performance. ICC-ES is a subsidiary of the International Code Council. For more information, please use the contact information and link provided below.