Foam Week TV Premieres Twelfth Episode of the Season
JUPITER, FL – December 16, 2013 – Foam Week TV's twelfth episode of the season is now showing. The annual series is hosted on Foam Week TV's YouTube channel, and on the front page of each week.
This week, the web series is sponsored by The current episode features Spray Foam Insulation & Roofing Magazine's release of its first Annual Readership Report, SPF Depot's reception of the Best Small Business of Northwest Louisiana award, and the completion of construction on ISOPA's Polyurethane Passive House.
Host Heather Westrol covers the latest spray foam news, events and product releases from every facet of the industry. Since its debut in 2009, Foam Week TV's episodes have generated well over 50,000 views on YouTube.
For those interested in providing content for Foam Week TV, please use the contact details provided below.
About is CRM (customer relationship management) solution for spray foam contractors. Members can view and purchase real spray foam sales leads for spray foam insulation, foam roofing or retrofit / injection foam jobs that come in daily via the Spray Foam Local Marketing Network. For more information, please use the links provided below.