Flame Seal Announces New Marketing Campaign and Results From Trade Show
HOUSTON, TX – October 18, 2011 – Texas-based Flame Seal Products, Inc. recently announced results from the company’s visit to the Insulation Contractors Association of America (ICAA) trade show in Orlando, Fla., as well as its newest marketing campaign.
Flame Seal enjoyed a high profile as being the lone provider of Thermal and Ignition Barrier coatings at the ICAA trade show.
“Attendance was the second highest in ICAA history,” said Flame Seal President Michael Kiser in a press release. “Attendees visiting Flame Seal’s booth were extremely enthusiastic.”
During the trade show, Kiser stated that Flame Seal made an announcement to attendees about the company’s newest marketing campaign.
The message touched up Flame Seal’s newest move to sell directly to contractors, which, according to Kiser, will save them 25-30 percent on material cost.
“The new strategy of selling direct to contractors will provide ready access to these services for all customers,” Kiser said.
Customer service was another point brought up to attendees. Flame Seal stressed that the company’s focus will continue to be on service, which included a new dedicated Web site for individuals in the foam insulation industry.
“The website will include Consulting + Codes and Application Training at no charge to customers,” Kiser said.
The announcement of Flame Seal’s market commitment and leadership position following a lawsuit victory over IFTI was also addressed to their customers through one-on-one meetings and presentations.
“It is remarkable that we have progressed as rapidly as we have with this, our first marketing program that is 100% ‘in-house,’” Kiser said in a meeting with shareholders. “In the past, per advice of experts, we relied upon outside distributors and markets. We now feel, however that no one will push the Flame Seal Brand as hard as we will.”
About Flame Seal Inc.:
Flame Seal Products, Inc., a Boeing Qualified Supplier, is the developer and manufacturer of one of the best performing, Aerospace Qualified intumescent coatings on the market. Flame Seal modified this technology as Flame Seal-TB™ for Thermal and Ignition Barrier use on Polyurethane Foam Insulation. Flame Seal states they are now selling directly to foam contractors and applicators, providing as much as a 30% cost reduction. According to the company, their Flame Seal-TB is the only product that has passed every attempted Thermal Barrier Room Corner test over Closed Cell foam with zero failures, and it is the only product to pass every attempted Room Corner Ignition Barrier test (zero failures).
Flame Seal TB™ has been certified multiple times as both a Thermal and Ignition Barrier over the majority of foam brands available. Flame Seal states that they continue to work with the foam industry to bring their products to the market an that they are dedicated to helping Contractors provide their clients the best value, as well as the safest foam installations possible.
For more information, please click the link below to visit Flame Seal's website.