CORBOND® III Spray Foam Insulation Receives IAPMO Evaluation Service (ES) Report
July 2009 – Bozeman, Montana - Corbond Corporation of Bozeman MT is pleased to announce the recent issuance of its Evaluation Service (ES) report for CORBOND® III.
The IAPMO ES report (IAPMO ES # 0146) is a 3rd party verification for code officials, architects, and contractors to know that CORBOND® III, closed cell spray foam insulation meets or exceeds the standards of the 2006 International Building Code (2006 IBC), 2006 International Residential Code (2006 IRC), and the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code (2006 IECC). The report is an analysis of testing, calculations, labeling, and quality control methods, and how they apply to the building codes. IAPMO ES #0146 is available at www.iapmoes.org.
Geoffrey Stephenson, National Sales Manager for Corbond Corp says “We are very excited to offer our customers this very thorough and easy to decipher report. While the building code does not require an ES report, we believe this is a great tool for building officials, architects, and contractors to quickly and easily reference the use of CORBOND® III in relation to the building codes.”
About Corbond Corporation:
Corbond Corporation is a leading manufacturer of closed cell, spray in place polyurethane foam insulation and is dedicated to developing and manufacturing quality, national name brand products particularly suited to the built environment in performance and safety, mindful of the needs of the companies and the tradesmen who install them. Contact Corbond at (888) 949-9089 for all your spray polyurethane needs or visit us on the web at www.corbond.com.
About IAPMO Evaluation Service:
Since 1926, IAPMO (International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials) has been a leader in codes and standards development. As a company within the IAPMO Group, IAPMO ES is built upon 80 years experience, expertise and quality. IAPMO ES is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Building products, materials, and designs bearing the IAPMO ES mark of conformity are trusted by contractors, specifiers, plan reviewers and building officials. Evaluation Reports generated by IAPMO ES represent the highest degree of integrity in showing compliance with the building codes. For more information on IAPMO ES, direct your web browser to www.iapmoes.org or contact Amir Zamanian at (909) 230-5533 or amir.zamanian@iapmoes.org.
Geoffrey Stephenson
Corbond Corporation
(888) 949-9089