ACC Welcomes Senate Hearing on Energy Efficiency Legislation in Washington
WASHINGTON, D.C. – May 6, 2015 – The American Chemistry Council (ACC) issued the following statement in response to a Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing on April 30th examining energy efficiency legislation.
“We welcomed the hearing, which reaffirmed that there is strong, bipartisan support for energy efficiency. Lawmakers clearly view it as a smart, cost-effective way to enhance sustainability while creating jobs and helping manufacturers stay competitive.
“As longtime proponents of the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act (S. 720), we were pleased to see it featured, and we applaud Senators Portman and Shaheen for their renewed push for passage. We support the All-of-the-Above Federal Building Energy Conservation Act (S. 869), which would improve energy performance in federal buildings, as well as a bill that would require the evaluation and consolidation of green building programs within the U.S. Department of Energy (S. 939).
“The chemistry industry is a leader in energy efficiency. We invent and make products used in high-performance building insulation, windows, and appliances; lightweight plastic packaging and vehicle parts; engine lubricants and fuel additives; compact fluorescent light bulbs, photovoltaic solutions, and energy storage systems; and many others. These markets are significant, and growing. Chemistry is part of the solution to boosting energy savings in the United States and around the world.
“We look forward to the release of Senator Murkowski’s broad energy package. We hope it includes the Portman-Shaheen bill along with other inventive measures to improve energy efficiency.”
About The Center for the Polyurethanes Industry of the American Chemistry Council: CPI promotes the sustainable development of polyurethanes. Our members are U.S. producers or distributors of chemicals and equipment used to make polyurethane or manufacturers of polyurethane products. For more information, please use the contact information and links provided below.