(function() { if (window.SprayFoamIframeClient) { return; } window.SprayFoamIframeClient = {}; SprayFoamIframeClient.addForm = addForm; SprayFoamIframeClient.receiveMessage = receiveMessage; var formId = 0; var idPrefix = 'infForm'; var msgDataRE = /^infform_id(\d+)_h(\d+)_w(\d+)$/; var forms = []; var isIframeLoading = false; var hasIframeToLoad = false; var referrer; if (parent) { referrer = parent.document.URL; } else { referrer = document.URL; } if (!window.addEventListener) { // This listener will not be valid in < IE9 window.attachEvent('onmessage', receiveMessage); } else { // For all other browsers other than < IE9 window.addEventListener('message', receiveMessage, false); } function receiveMessage(event) { var data = event.data; resizeForm(data); } function resizeForm(data) { var found = data.match(msgDataRE); if (found) { var f = document.getElementById(idPrefix + 'Iframe_' + found[1]); if (f) { f.height = found[2]; f.width = found[3]; f.style.width = found[3]; formLoaded(found[1]); } loadNextForm(); } } function addForm(url) { hasIframeToLoad = true; formId = forms.length; forms.push({url:url, id:formId, iframeLoaded:false, iframeLoading:false}); document.write('
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